After some years of jamming across the german Space ´n Psych scene, playing in different bands and live projects, I thought about doing a one-man-show project, to materialise some ideas, daydreams & tunes which I couldn´t get out of my head. So I bought some studio gear in fall 2014.

A chat with Robbi Robb, whom I met at Burg Herzberg Festival back in 2009, should have changed something. He offered me to record some guitars for my project. But I thought, why shouldn´t we work on a common project. Robbi appealed to me instantly. So we started working on the first song “Nothing at all”, a song, which I wrote in summer 2007. Robbi had some nice lyrics, so it became our first song.

Up-to-date our project has been finished and is given to Matt Korr for mixing and mastering.
It will be an album with 5 extended songs, one has been recorded live at 3rd Ear Experience´s warmup show, on their last european tour. First dialogues with some labels already took place, and I think our first album will be released this spring.